Saturday, January 22, 2011

Professors and Fragments

To Clarify, the last post was everything running through my mind while I sat on the train.

Now, to move on.

I've survived my first week of second semester well enough. I'm deep into assignments already and wishing that it was less than eight weeks before Spring Break.

Here's the breakdown of my professors:

Speech 110: MW at 9:30 am. Originally my professor came off as someone who is going to be a tough grader and ridiculously hard. I'm reconsidering now. We certainly have a lot of points at stake, but I don't think that she'll take points off for my inarticulate bumbling through the first two speeches. She's super peppy, something that I don't admire during my only morning class. I was there early and caught it when she had to erase her Mrs and put Ms. Along with the fact that she's totally abandoned caring that her hair is two different colors, I've deduced that she's probably going through divorce. I predict a hefty breakdown mid-semester.

Writing 102: MW at 3 pm. Blonde, tall, and lean. She tries way too hard to come across as cool, attempting to tell us that she knows that we never read and have no idea what literature is. Instead, she comes off complete patronizing. That's just to me. The guy behind me who thought that Shakespeare is a title and not an author obviously makes her point. She's more than willing to help look at papers before hand and I heard she is not a tough grader. Kept mentioning that we can't have spelling and grammar mistakes. I had to stop myself from laughing since her syllabus was filled with them.

Political Science: MW 4:15 pm. He seems nice. I seemed like I was on drugs. Could not concentrate during his class and acted like I was on speed. It won't be hard to get an A in there, but I really haven't judged his character yet.

Genetics: TR 1:30 pm. Old man comes in dressed in jeans and tshirt. Hasn't taught in 6th years. Has decided that this is now an ethics class and fuck science. None of us are science majors, so who cares? His goal is to get us screaming at each other and yearning for blood. Makes comments on sex life of students regularly. Is absolutely amazing.

Literature 100: TR 3 pm. Ah, Amir. I'm terrified of him because I admire him. I've heard he's a tough grader, but more than willing to come and help you out if you ask. Is constantly in the library and best friends with my boss. Has gotten me to switch majors. Will probably be my advisor.

Well, that's the list, guys. Let's hope this goes smoothly.

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