Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love My Life

Today has been spectacular.

There's really no other word to describe it. Well, magnificent could work. I guess. But you're just being nitpicky now.

Wednesday night, a coworker asked to switch a shift with me. My 9-1 Saturday morning for her 1-5 Saturday afternoon. Meaning, I didn't have to wake up until ten thirty and could lounge around. Which is exactly what I did.

My stomach finally demanded I get up, continuing this wonderful morning. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I remembered that we had Thin Mints in the freezer. Yeah, they're gone now. So is the Spongebob Easy Mac that made my lunch so marvelous.

Still, the best had yet to come. I went to work, immediately logging on to Twitter. Laura, Kelly and I started to chat about Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt. We'd all just gotten signed bookmarks in the mail from her, so we were discussing potential uses and how awesome her book is. That's when the best thing happened: Lindsey tweeted us back. She started by telling Kelly and I that she liked us. Then followed it up by offering more bookmarks if needed to Laura and I, who work in libraries. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I love it when author's tweet back.

After that, I remembered that March is Accio Books and went to scan through our book sale materials. I was glancing through a mystery novel, making sure there was no sex scenes because I'm sending this to a primary school, and found 35 forever stamps. As a college kid far away from home, that is gold. I printed out letters to all of the Writer Girls Cause Chaos and mailed them out, along with a letter to my guy.

Some days just make the rest easier to live with.

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