Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can We Stop for Chillzones Now?

I'm not looking forward to this.

As it is, I can barely bear to write a post about it, much less go through with getting on the train in eight hours. 

I don't like trains. People attempt to sit next to me, I always forget to bring a blanket, and by the time I get off in Chicago, I look horrid and greasy. Seriously, my hair ends up rivaling Severus Snape's. 

And despite all of that, I know that there is no way for me to get out of this. I have to survive the next seven weeks in Illinois before I can come home. Before I can get engaged. Before I can be happy once more.

I can't stay in this self-pitying state for too much longer. I'll allow myself the train ride to pout and sulk, but then it'll be done. I promise to make the best of it.

There are glorious things happening between the many assignments I have to do, anyway. 

Red Glove, City of Fallen Angels, and Last Little Blue Envelope come out while I'm in Illinois. 

It's sunny out, so I should be able to go down to Naperville and get a few signed books while I'm there. 

Doctor Who Series 6 premieres and I might get a chance to watch it online, since the dorms probably don't have BBC America. 

I'm doing a pact with Dani to study the Bible at least four hours a week.

I'll be okay. 
I just have to remember that, when I'm sitting there wanting to be home.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ew. Homework.

Today started out fantastically. Maureen Johnson mentioned me in her blog post. The HPA emailed me back about making my Chapter official. Knightley Academy came in the mail.

Then, stupidly, I looked at the next ten days in my academic life. I found: two quizzes, three tests, two papers, and two speeches. I don't want this to remain scary, so let's break this down.


1.) March 7, 2011 - Political Science. 10 multiple choice questions. Already prepared for. He used tricky questions, that a lot of people protested against. Most likely got an 80. Boo.
2.) March 16, 2011 - Writing. It's on "Real Women Have Curves." I'll read that on 3/15 so that it is fresh in my memory.


1.) March 8, 2011 - Biology. 50 questions. I'll review tomorrow morning from 12 - 1 pm.
2.) March 16, 2011 - Political Science Midterm. I've heard it's tough. I will update when I have more information about what it's on.
3.) March 17, 2011 - Literature 100 Midterm. See # 2 and repeat.


1.) March 9, 2011 - Writing. Poetry explication. She's seen my rough draft and loved it. Will finish that morning. 3-5 pages.
2.) March 10, 2011 - Literature 100. Poetry Form. 4-5 pages. Will write on 3/8, then have Dani edit that night.


1.) March 10, 2011 - Literature 291. Have to read my story aloud at Krasa Fireside. Story is written. Need to practice.
2.) March 16, 2011 - Speech 110. On Origami Fortune Tellers. Will do this weekend.

Much less scary after I've done this.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Big Sis

I know for a fact that my biological sister is always going to be there for me. She's also thirteen years older than me with an opposing personality. We love each other because we are blood, but I highly doubt the fact that we would be friends in any other circumstance. None the less, I mean nothing against her when I say that my other older sister is my true role model.

I met Bailey when I was a freshman in high school. It was in a chat room that provided wordwars for people competing in National Novel Writing Month. At the time, she called me Heaven, while I called her Lassie because of our screen names. There were four of us who got along splendidly: Bailey, Becca, Josh, and me. Becca, Bailey, and I quickly formed a sisterhood called the Devlin Sisters and were joined by Bailey's roommate, Pamela.

Now, four years later, I'm a freshman in college while Bailey applies to grad schools. Over time, we've lost Josh, Becca, and Pamela, but have remained close to each other. I can sincerely say that Bailey has impacted me like no other.

While two others in our group provided themselves as warnings rather than guidance, Bailey remained a true role model throughout. She gets involved whenever possible, pushes herself to the limits, and is generally an amazing person. She has made the transition from late teenager to young adult look smooth and easy, when I know well that it never is.

If I have one goal in life, it is to be as awesome as Bailey Kelsey. Because she is literally the most fantastic person I know. She has inspired me to do more with my life than just get by. I just forget to remind her as much as I should.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love My Life

Today has been spectacular.

There's really no other word to describe it. Well, magnificent could work. I guess. But you're just being nitpicky now.

Wednesday night, a coworker asked to switch a shift with me. My 9-1 Saturday morning for her 1-5 Saturday afternoon. Meaning, I didn't have to wake up until ten thirty and could lounge around. Which is exactly what I did.

My stomach finally demanded I get up, continuing this wonderful morning. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I remembered that we had Thin Mints in the freezer. Yeah, they're gone now. So is the Spongebob Easy Mac that made my lunch so marvelous.

Still, the best had yet to come. I went to work, immediately logging on to Twitter. Laura, Kelly and I started to chat about Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt. We'd all just gotten signed bookmarks in the mail from her, so we were discussing potential uses and how awesome her book is. That's when the best thing happened: Lindsey tweeted us back. She started by telling Kelly and I that she liked us. Then followed it up by offering more bookmarks if needed to Laura and I, who work in libraries. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I love it when author's tweet back.

After that, I remembered that March is Accio Books and went to scan through our book sale materials. I was glancing through a mystery novel, making sure there was no sex scenes because I'm sending this to a primary school, and found 35 forever stamps. As a college kid far away from home, that is gold. I printed out letters to all of the Writer Girls Cause Chaos and mailed them out, along with a letter to my guy.

Some days just make the rest easier to live with.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Want a Bertie Botts Every Flavored Bean? It Tastes Like Failure

I was always raised to pay for things myself.

Don't take that wrong, I didn't have to pay rent at 14 or buy my own Christmas gifts. But extraneous bills for stuff that I wanted were to be my responsibility.

So, at age 13, I bought my first pay-per-minute cell phone and paid with babysitting money every month.

At 16, I got a job and was able to support my social life, cell phone, and anything luxurious that I wanted.

Last semester, I tacked on 600 bucks every six months for car insurance, and 60 bucks a month for loan payments.

This semester, I have 45 bucks a month for cell phone, 400 every six months for car insurance, and 120 for loan payments. Add in having to pay for transportation from Illinois to New York, and my bank account is nil.

My parents took off a major cut of my loan payment this semester. It was 400 naturally, they knocked off 100 after I lost ten hours at work due to snow days. Then Dad knocked off another 50 today. I should feel lucky. I should, and am, thankful. But mostly, I feel like a failure.

I hate not being able to support myself. I cried when Dave paid for my cell phone this month. It makes me feel worthless. It makes me want to stop attending college and go to technical school to get a high paying job immediately. It just sucks.

So, I'm probably being ridiculous, but this is how I feel. Bills have become the bane of my life, as many others. I'm so happy I'm transferring to a cheaper school. One that won't rape my wallet.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kenzie's List of Awesome

April is traditionally BEDA for a lot of my friends. Blog Every Day in April. Instead of doing that, Bailey and I decided to turn March into 30 Days of Vlogging, with a relaxation day at the end. I've come to adore vlogging within the short time that Writer Girls Cause Chaos has existed. It just adds fun into my life and I was eager to participate when Bailey suggested doing this yesterday.

When a friend of Bailey (scribbles5thm) posted a blog about how she's going to attempt to do a lot of things in March after watching Bailey's vlog, I started thinking. I can do more than just vlog in March. There are a lot of things that I need to catch up on.

So, here is my list:

1.) Make my bed every morning. I hate physically making my bed, but I love having my bed made. Just the neat and tidy look of all the sheets and blankets being folded puts me into a good mood. I'm skipping this for March 1st and starting tomorrow.

2.) Substitute a bottle of water instead of an Amp each day. I've become obsessed with the Amp Energy: Elevate (Mixed Berry flavor). They're so bad for you and put extra stress on your body that isn't needed at all. They make me super productive at work, but the damage probably isn't worth it.

3.) Of course, Vlog all thirty days. This should get hard during Spring Break, but I'll make sure to get it done.

and, finally,

4.) Read at least twenty pages of a novel each day. I did so well in January. I read seven or eight books. I fell during February. I was pulled into watching television shows instead of reading, something I don't want to make a habit out of. I'd like to go back to reading.

That's my list, guys. Keep me to it.