I'm not good at waiting. My patience is thin and, in the situations I control, I demand immediate answers. When I don't get them, I begin to fret and pace and generally freak myself out to the brink of breakdown.
Today the university I'd like to transfer to confirmed that they have everything they need to make the decision. My Benedictine transcript arrived safely, along with my application and other forms. They just need to make a decision.
Logically, I should get in. I have a 3.56 GPA for my freshman year. I'm applying to a program that requires a 2.5 GPA. This program isn't extremely popular either. The university is known well for its science majors, so it's English degrees haven't been in the spotlight for awhile. I'm hoping that lends itself to my advantage.
I'm not sure though. The unknown terrifies me. I'm a perpetual planner, carrying around an agenda while having a backup on my Google Calendar. I ask for dates off from work months in advance; I schedule appointments for next year without worries. Having this decision be so close to the beginning of the school year frightens me. Will I have enough time to plan my schedule? Will I be able to talk to my roommate about what to bring before we buy our items? Who knows.
It certainly doesn't help that they get over four thousand applicants to go through each semester. I'm just one out of four thousand.
It can't be helped.
I'll just have to distract myself until my answer comes.
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