Friday, April 15, 2011

Pajamas All Day

I have an addiction to procrastination.

Logically, I should be doing research for either my Political Science Policy Paper (PSPP) or my Ridiculous Santa Claus Debate (RSCD). Both are due next week. Both are tedious and rather long.

Another thing they have in common? I won't start either until tomorrow. I reserve Friday's specifically for procrastination.

Fridays are the best day of the week. I have no classes, nor work. They're a day dedicated to reading, blogging, vlogging, tweeting, and generally being the laziest person that I can be.

Let's take today for example.

Bailey and I stayed up until nearly 4 am on Skype. Finally, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until 10 am. Even that seemed too early. I wiggled about on my bed and read some fanfiction. I updated myself on the morning Twitter activity. I ate cookies. That was my morning.

Around one thirty, I was deeply involved in rereading Jellicoe Road, but I could tell I needed a shower. I finally abandoned my book to clean myself, and came back to eat popcorn for lunch.

Since then, I've done a vlog, I'm bsing this blog, and I've continued to read Jellicoe Road. Next up? Neopets. The ultimate tool of procrastination.

Whoever claims that Fridays aren't amazing just needs to spend a Friday with me.

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